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Slab Leak Detection in Placentia, CA

Dark Spots, Wet Spots Or Water On the Floor of your Placentia home? It Is a Slab Leak!

Our licensed and professional local plumbers will find the source of the leak in your Placentia home using cutting-edge electronic equipment, guaranteed...

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Elder & Young Plumbing

Elder & Young Plumbing

What is a Slab Leak?

The term “slab leak” is used by plumbing professionals and insurance companies to describe water leaks that are underneath concrete floor or slab of your home. They are often difficult to notice. The can sometimes be repaired by cutting a small hole in the floor to access the pipe below to then repair the portion of pipe that is leaking. Depending on the condition of the pipes and the materials used, a repipe is sometimes recommended.

Placentia, California's Slab Leak Detection Expert Plumbers Will Use Our Sophisticated Electronic Leak Detection Equipment to Find Your Slab Leaks!

We'll quickly find the location of your slab leak - and then we'll provide you with the best option to fix it.

Do you think you have a slab leak?  Is your water bill higher than normal?

Maybe you’ve noticed a discolored spot on your floor that isn’t going away.  There’s water pooling or puddling on the floor.  If any of this sounds familiar, you might have a  slab leak, and the precise location of the leak can be hard to pinpoint without breaking through the concrete to get to it.  This is where a professional plumber who understands slab leak detection in Placentia, and how to repair slab leaks, can help you and solve your plumbing problems.

The skilled plumbers at Elder & Young Plumbing deal with leaks of all kinds, just about every day, and we can quickly diagnose slab leaks.

We know all the tricks and techniques to focus in on the possible causes of the leaks at your home. We even have specialized electronic leak detection test equipment that is designed to detect slab leaks, even underground within or below the concrete foundation.

Reach out to us at (714) 464-7889 now with questions or to request your slab leak detection service in Placentia.  We’re ready to help.  24/7 emergency plumbing service is also available.

Once one of our experienced plumbers finds the location of the slab leak, we can put a plan together to solve your plumbing problem quickly.

In the event you need to repair the slab leak, we can either repair it or offer you repiping services where we reroute the plumbing using copper repiping or pex repiping materials.

Current Special Offers

What causes slab leaks in Placentia, California?

Quick Temperature Changes

It’s important to keep your plumbing system in good working order. As the temperature changes, pipes can expand and contract over time causing joints and connections to wear down. Elder & Young offers pressure testing services so we can help you find any leaks early on before they become a serious problem for you home in Placentia or business- give us a call now!

Worn Pipe Joints

Elder & Young - Water Leak Detection Services

The water in your home in Placentia may not be flowing as smoothly and efficiently as it should. Have you ever wondered why? Curved pipe joints link straight sections together to direct the flow of water throughout your plumbing system, but they are also vulnerable to pressure from high-pressure or extreme temperatures within our piping over time. These connection points can cause leaks if welds become weaker with age due to a constant change in water pressure which causes these joints flexing on themselves more often than not rather then holding strong against any kind of force that comes their way! It’s best for plumbers who have identified problems early before there is an issue at all because solving them will take less effort overall – saving you lots of money in repair bills down the line!!

Pipe Corrosion and Aging Pipes

Pipe Corrosion leads to leaks - Elder & Young Plumbing Company

Rust and corrosion can be a real threat to your plumbing system as it ages. Corrosion may cause leaks or clogs, so watch out for spots on pipes that could indicate you need to get the problem checked by a professional plumber right away! If there’s more of an issue than what is visible at first glance, consider replacing any high-risk factors like cast iron pipes because over time these will only worsen without proper attention.

Old Pipes

Old Pipes Lead to Leaks - Elder & Young Plumbing Company

Pipes last years, but they won’t last forever. The Original pipes are made from materials that are much more prone to corrosion such as iron and over time the pipe weakens and begins breaking down until eventually it breaks entirely due to rusting or other damage related issues – this is when you start seeing leaks in your property which may potentially cause major problems for homes in Placentiaif left unchecked for too long! If you have older pipes like these at home then we would recommend upgrading them with newer pipes before any serious difficulties arise.

High Water Pressure

High Water Pressure leads to leaks - Elder & Young Plumbing Company

When your water pressure is too high, it can cause a number of pipes and joints in the plumbing system to leak. One way you might notice these leaks are by hearing them when using the toilet or turning on/off your faucet’s hot water. It may be necessary for us to check out this issue with an inspection so that we can make sure everything stays running smoothly!

Foundation Shifting and Settling

Foundation Shifting and Settling leads to leaks - Elder & Young Plumbing Company

One of the most important factors that go into determining someone’s home is their piping system, and it needs to be checked regularly for any potential problems. One reason why pipes in your house are more fragile than you might think is because they have to move with what’s happening around them- so if there has been an earthquake or natural disaster nearby then this will affect every aspect including water pressure changes which can cause plumbing issues like color changes.

Slab leaks are common in Placentia, California. Here are some of the most common signs.

Water in the Street

It is important to know the signs of a leaking main water line. When there’s nowhere for the overflow from your pipe to go, it will often seep up right in front of your home at the street! If you notice bubbling water on the street then they should contact a professional plumber immediately before any more damage can be done.

Higher Than Normal Water Bills

A lot of leaks go unnoticed, especially leaks related to outdoor plumbing and the main water line that feeds the house. These lines are often very old and they are some of the most common to break down over the years. If your water usage has not increased, but your bill has, you may have a water leak. This leak could be anywhere on your property so it’s important to have your plumbing system inspected for leaks by a leak detection specialist.

A Musty Odor or Smell

Do you smell mildew or a musty odor?  Over time, a consistent leak will provide the humidity necessary for mold to grow.  You may even notice black splotches on the wall outside which is a sign that mold has grown inside the wall.  If you see this, or you smell a musty odor on a regular basis, it’s time to call a plumbing professional immediately.

Sudden Cracks in the Foundation, Low Spots in Pavement and Potholes

When water seeps into the foundation of your house, that’s when things get really serious! Not only will we have to worry about cracks in our walls and ceilings but also structural components like the beams supporting floors above us. This is where leaking water can become dangerous: not just surface level damage but now actual structural problems as well! You never want an issue this big sitting around without being addressed. If you notice cracks in the foundation, contact a plumber right away so that they can inspect the property for leaks using the latest leak detection equipment.

Wet Spots Next to Walls

Water flows downhill. If you have a wet spot next to a wall that is next to a bathroom, it may be a sign of a leak in the bathroom or within the wall between the two rooms. However, if there is no bathroom next to a wet spot next to a wall, it’s likely that the water the result of a water leak that is coming from above and running down the wall and pooling at the floor. In these situations, it’s important to contact a plumber immediately to mitigate the damages that are being done. These situations if not taken care of early can lead to mold and other damage. A professional plumber will use the latest electronic leak detection equipment to detect the location of the leak so that it can be fixed quickly without tearing down walls or the ceiling to find it and fix it.

Call us now at (714) 464-7889 now to request your service in Placentia, California. We'll respond to help quickly!

Using a Slab Leak Detection Service Could Be the Difference Between a Minor or Major Repair Bill

If you suspect you may have a slab leak in your property, important to call the licensed at Elder & Young Plumbing for cutting-edge electronic slab leak detection services.

We’ll find the leak quickly and provide you with our service and plumbing repair options.

Slab leaks often go unnoticed for days, weeks, or months without any noticeable signs. When an undetected slab leak is found early on, it can save homeowners from major water damage repairs that are costly and disruptive to their day-to-day lives!

The earlier you are able to locate your slab leak and get it fixed, the better off you’ll be.

Call us now at Elder & Young Plumbing with questions or to set up and appointment now for slab leak detection services in Orange County and we’ll get you taken care of right away. Call (714) 464-7889 now!

More Frequently Asked Questions

Are slab leak detection services covered by homeowners insurance in Placentia, CA?

Homeowners insurance inPlacentia, CA may help cover damage caused by leaking plumbing, although not all homeowners insurance plans cover the cost of slab leak detection services.

How does electronic leak detection work?

We start by using electronic locating equipment in Placentia, CA to trace out the underground pipes throughout the house.  Once the system has been traced in your home we use a state of the art electronic acoustic leak detecting device that listens to the sounds of your plumbing system.  It is able to tell the difference between the sounds of water flowing normally from sounds emitted by burst pipes.  This helps us find the precise location of the leak.

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Call us now at (714) 464-7889 now to request your service in Placentia, California. We'll respond to help quickly!


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Chårlene Låsiter

Chårlene Låsiter

Garden Grove, CA

"Eric is a very hard worker. He's honest, efficient and clean. Most importantly, he handled our plumbing projects and made sure the job is done right. GREAT MAN!"


John Kirker

Tustin, CA

"I highly recommend Elder & Young Plumbing as my top rated choice. We punctured a pipe during a remodel. E&Y was out in a jiffy to solve the problem so that we could continue our project."


Tyler W.

Newport Beach, CA

"A pleasure to find a friendly professional that has your safety and well being in mind for the water heater.  Advises what needs attention and what can wait!"

How can we help you get the job done right?

We love helping our clients and we're here to help you with your plumbing needs, 24/7. We want to be there for all of your plumbing problems no matter what time it is! We know that everyone deserves peace of mind when they call someone in for work around their home or business property so don't hesitate any longer before picking up the phone and giving us a call - let's get started right away!